Tag: php

  • Here we have an array of values that has day of the week as a value. what we need to achieve is sort this array from Monday to Sunday. We will create weekdays array with the order of the days we want. If you want Sunday on first you can change the order of $weekdays…

  • For a recent project that deals with events, I wanted to give users an option to download event details as a PDF. I have considered several PHP pdf generation libraries and finally settled with Dompdf. Dompdf is an easy to user HTML to PDF converter PHP library. It supports CSS styling, inline style tags and…

  • Laravel mix is the default assets compilation package comes with laravel 5.4. It use webpack to compile assets. Using Mix you can define simple webpack build steps without going deep into webpack configrations. You can also use laravel mix in your other projects with some little tweaks. Your laravel installation should have following structure /webpack.mix.js…